Thursday, August 18, 2011

Back into France

Yesterday we could count the clouds in the sky, today we did not count higher than one.  The morning climb was about 3000 feet but after yesterday the trail was not that hard, through the forest,steep but few rocks and roots.  
We visited a small farm in the side of the mountain where I just had to take a picture of the outhouse and then summitted where we crossed the boarder into France to see Mont Blanc and the rest of the range in all of it's glory: brilliant blue sky, snow covered peaks.

Amazing views into Chamonix.  We stopped for lunch and just basked in the sun and the mountain view before beginning our descent into Buet, the small town in the valley between the French boarder and Chamonix.  

Five of our party of fourteen elected to take the cable car down due to knee injuries.  Most of the descent was uneventful through anotherforest trail but some was steep and required concentration.  At one point, the joke was that we needed to stop chatting and focus on the steep rocky steps down. Even so, we arrived in Buet, a very, very, very small town with plenty of time to relax before dinner.  The views around the hotel are of lovely mountain peaks but there is very little in this town to see so we are enjoying a long pre dinner cocktail hour.  Tomorrow we finish the loop and finish up in Chamonix.

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