Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Big blue bells, tiny rhododendrons and a happy mountain.

Big blue bells, tiny rhododendron and a cooperating Mt Blanc

I am told that is is possible to hike our entire trail and never see the summit.  As we stay below 10,000 feet on the trail, the moutntain sometimes is covered in clouds and you never see the summit.  So last evening when the summit briefly appeared as the sun was setting, we all ran outside to get a good look.
Today we started with breakfast where cheese was the protein of choice as the local cheeses are spectacular and headed out to try out the trail opposite Mount Blanc.  This was definitely a warm up hike, 2770 feet and about 8 miles, all up as down would be by cable car.  

We started out through forests, very pretty but when out guide asked if we should stop for pictures,, we said no, we have these at home.  

The trail was very rocky and full of switchbacks and ultimately the trees cleared and we were greeted with some spectacular views of mount Blanc and the entire range.  

Knowing how lucky we are, (as I write this the mt is again covered in clouds) we took lots of photos of the glaciers and the snow topped peaks.
We ultimately hiked above tree line, which on this side of the mountain includes many ski slopes, part of this trail was very steep.  We slowed down a bit and struggled  through and found a lovely vista up top.  As above the vista was a ski facility, our guide told us there were real bathrooms there so after quizzing her to make sure a real French bathroom was the same as a real US bathroom; ie flushing toilets and toilet paper, a number of women decided to struggle up another steep incline for such a treat!

From this vista we could see about half the trail around Mount Blanc with Switzerland on the north edge and Italy on the south.
We spent the afternoon walking across the range looking over at the big range.  Lunch was the most awesome cheese sandwiches, a peach, some sort of tiny French plum that is yellow and a twix bar.  Meal in a flowering meadow with the mountains in the back drop was one of the best I have ever eaten!

We looked at all the flowers, blue bells 3x larger than what we see in the states but curiously, rhododendrons which were no bigger than juniper.  That is normal here as the extreme winter cold makes it impossible for them to grow any bigger.
We spent the afternoon traversing the pass, stopping to watch some climbers summit a sheer rock face and some parasailers launch off the mountain.  We changed clothes at least six times, short sleeve shirt covered by long sleeve, covered by heavy coverup, covered by wind.rain gear.  Put it all on, take it all off.  I had forgotten this part of hiking.

We finished the day with a cable car ride down the mountain but not before we watched some paragliders take off.

 1,000 feet and about 10 degrees warmer.
Not much hurts today, so I am really psyched.  Looking forward to dinner in Chamonix.  Wonder if it is possible to overdose on cheese?

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