Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Is this Pamploma or Switzerland?

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You could count the number of clouds in the sky on one hand today and we started off from the hotel along a rather peaceful upward sloping mountain trail.  As we finished the mountain trail, we came across a herd of six cows who had gotten out of their field.  I would like to say that we helped get the cows back into the correct field but these were cows where the males and the females have horns and I do not think I was very helpful when I found myself starting down a cow with her horns pointed at my chest.  I just got out of her way. We all did - some moving faster than others as the cows charged up and down the road not very happy to find that their peaceful walk was being interrupted by humans who did not want to see them end up where they landed. Additionally, they also were fighting cows as it seems that cows fighting is a county fair sport in Switzerland and some of the cows decided to give a little demonstration, butting their horns together on the multiple passes they made in front of our group. Thankfully the local farm family were pretty adept at rounding up the cows though; a mother, her two sons and daughter, all pre teens. After about 7 cow runs - they would charge up and down the road with one or none making the turn into the correct field, they all ended up in the correct place and the mother said she would call the family who owned the cows and tell them yo come get them.
Then we headed up a mountain.  The trail was very steep, full of roots and large boulders.  It was a very, very long climb and there were parts where my legs and lungs were screaming for mercy.  We crossed through a few small streams that are probably much bigger in the Spring.  They were wide enough this time of year to make you watch your feet least you end up wading in.
The climb seemed to go one forever, all among the trees so we could not see much but I kept looking up and the blue sky seemed to be getting closer.
Finally we came out above the tree level among fields of heather and wildflowers and the most amazing views of the Rhone Valley all the way back to Geneva which is more than two hours away and over to the mountain range that includes the Matterhorn.  The town of Martigny which has a micro-climate was at the bottom of the mountain.  It was settled by the Romans and apricots, wine and lots of other warm weather fruits are grown in the valley.

We spent most of the day walking around the balcony of the mountain just starting out at different mountain ranges.  We stopped at a small farm which served lunch and drinks.  It was funny to see yellow umbrellas above picnic tables in the middle of the mountain but the coca-cola tasted delicious and went along well with my oat bread and raccalet cheese sandwich and kidney bean salad.

The rest of the day was spent finishing the mountain balcony and then down into a tiny town for the night.

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