Saturday, August 20, 2011

Saturday-some people never really grow up

Last night we received our certificates for finishing the TMB. I am trying to take very good care of mine on the trip home. Today the mountain decided to send us off with perfect blue skies and we got in one last picture with the mountain as a backdrop. I went looking to see if the raspberry tart store opened early enough for me to get one last tart. It did but alas did not have afternoon sweets in the morning so I needed to settle for a chocolate brioche. It was wonderful.
About half the group left today so the rest of us are still touring Geneva. I want to buy some more chocolate to take home but it is so hot - it is in the low 90's, I am concerned it cannot make it back to my hotel without melting.
I decide to walk along the waterfront untiI it is time to meet some of the group later for some concerts. Geneva has a Jet D'Eau as a city symbol, water jet coming up from the lake. A smaller jet is necessary to relieve pressure at the hydroelectric plant but the city made it go bigger- up to 140 meters and put it near the tourist section of the lake. Today it was 130 meters tall as measured by a special telescope.

The wind blows the water all around and there is a jetty one can use to run out to a small lighthouse. Most people do not get to the lighthouse because the water jet would get them wet but some are crazy and run out there. Included in the latter is me. The day was hot and the sprinkles of water felt good but then the wind changed as I started my run and I got soaked! My dress turned dark green and I could wring out the bottom, but I did have some company, all far younger than me. Spent the rest of the afternoon drying off as I walked along the shore up to a very pretty rose garden and then met the others for a carillon concert and an organ recital.

The carillon was all German folk songs so not too interesting but the organ recital featured a lot of Bach which was great resonating through the cathedral.
We found a place for pizza and salad for dinner and then walked back to the new section of town and our hotels. We return home tomorrow full of wonderful memories.

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